Affiliate Disclaimer for Trailing Nomads

At Trailing Nomads (, our primary mission is to inspire, guide, and promote the transformative power of travel. We genuinely believe that exploring the world can shift perspectives, bridge gaps, and foster understanding among diverse communities.

To further this mission, we share products and services that resonate with our travel philosophy and that we believe will enhance your own journey. Some of these are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This commission is crucial for us as it helps support our ongoing efforts to reach more individuals, sharing the wonders of travel and its potential to change the world one person at a time.

We want to emphasize that our recommendations are always based on our genuine belief in the products or services, regardless of the commission. We have not received any free products, services, or anything else from these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site.

If our mission resonates with you and you appreciate the content we produce, using our affiliate links is a way to support us. But whether you choose to use them or not, we remain committed to providing value, inspiration, and honest insights to our fellow nomads and explorers.

Should you have any questions or need clarity on our affiliations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at